# Queue Nodes

# Node: AMQP

AMQP node allows to send message to any AMQP protocol support queue infrastructure.

This node is used send message to amqp support queueing products like RabbitMQ, CloudAMQP etc. The node only supports sending the message to an AMQP protocol supported infrastructure. AMQP connection url, message, queue name are the mandatory fields in order to drop the message to the queue.

# Properties

  • Operation - Supports SendToQueue, PublishToTopicExchange, PublishToFanoutExchange.
  • ConnectionUrl - Connection url used for connecting with the AMQP based queue.
  • Message - Content that will be published to the AMQP queue.
  • Exchange - Name of the exchange to which message to be published. Supports fanout and topic exchange types.
  • Queue - Name of the queue to which content needs to be published.
  • QueueTimeout - Maximum time to which queue connection remain open.
  • Durable- If enabled will ensure the content of the queue will not be lost even after a server restart.

Payload will not be overwritten by this node.